#1  Afghan Taliban signed a deal for Russian Items which include oil, gas, and wheat

Afghan Taliban signed a deal for Russian Items
The Taliban have marked a temporary arrangement with Russia to supply fuel, diesel, gas, and wheat to Afghanistan, Acting Afghan Trade and Industry Clergyman Haji Nooruddin Azizi told Reuters.

Azizi said his service was attempting to expand its exchanging accomplices and that Russia had offered the Taliban organization a rebate to average worldwide ware costs.

The move, the principal realized significant worldwide financial arrangement struck by the Taliban since they got back to control over a year prior, could assist with facilitating the Islamist development's separation that has successfully removed it from the worldwide financial framework.

Western ambassadors have said the gathering needs to alter its direction on basic freedoms, especially those of ladies, and demonstrate it has cut attaches with global aggressor bunches to earn formal respect.

#2  Raising of Dengue cases in Karachi

Raising of Dengue cases in Karachi
254 new instances of dengue infection were accounted for in Karachi as the commonplace capital stayed on hold of the mosquito-borne sickness, ARY News covered Monday.

As per the commonplace wellbeing division, the greater part number of cases in Karachi have been accounted for in the area Korangi, where 112 patients have been tainted by the infection during the beyond 24 hours.

Locale East announced 34 cases, Focal 53, Malir 20, South 10, Kama, RI 7, and Region West detailed 15 cases.

A sum of 5,425 instances of dengue fever cases was accounted for in Karachi this month.

As per Area Wellbeing Official (DHO) Islamabad, upwards of 81 dengue cases were accounted for in the government capital during the 24 hours, taking the all-out number of contaminations to 2,072 in the momentum season.

#3  Asif Ali Zardari in Karachi Hospital

Asif Ali Zardari in Karachi Hospital
Previous president Asif Ali Zardari was owned up to a confidential clinic in Karachi after his wellbeing crumbled, ARY News provided details regarding Tuesday.

A clinical group, driven by Dr. Asim Hussain, is inspecting the previous president, said sources, adding that a "strategy" will be performed on Zardari's lungs.

The clinical group will direct further trials of the previous president after the "strategy" is finished, they say.

This is the second time that Zardari has been owned up to a clinic this year.

A comparable circumstance was created in February this year when previous president Asif Ali Zardari had been confessed to a confidential emergency clinic in Karachi after his wellbeing weakened.

#4  forthcoming long march: Imran Khan

forthcoming long march: Imran Khan
Imran Khan has said that the approaching long walk and demonstration will be the definitive one preceding heading towards new races, ARY News wrote about Tuesday.

While tending to the ulema and mashaikh show in Peshawar, Imran Khan said that he will give a call to the country for emerging from their homes for genuine freedom.

Imran Khan said that he is formulating an arrangement to manage the public authority's normal response against the PTI protestors in the following long walk.

He said that Inside Priest Rana Sanaullah had purportedly requested to target PTI serene protestors through teargas shelling. Sanaullah ought to be ready to get a spot to stow away, he added.

The PTI boss said Top state leader Shehbaz Sharif had gotten back to Pakistan with a 'declared guilty party' yesterday. He added that Ishaq Dar had escaped from Pakistan through the state leader's plane.

#5  Transgender Act declared as Un-Islamic

Transgender Act declared as Un-Islamic
CII considered the Transsexual People (Security of Privileges) (Revision) Bill, 2022 un-Islamic and not by the Sharia, ARY News detailed.

In an explanation, the top strict body said that many segments of the Transsexual Demonstration 2018 are not in congruity with Islamic lessons and could add to social issues in the country.

The CII requested that the central government structure a panel to survey the transsexual demonstration and considered remembering legitimate specialists and strict researchers for the board.

CII is a sacred collection of Pakistan, liable for offering legitimate guidance on Islamic issues to the public authority and the Parliament.

The Senate body on common liberties last week sent draft corrections in the Transsexual People Act to the Gathering of Islamic Belief system (CII).

The draft corrections introduced by Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Congressperson Mushtaq Ahmed Khan were sent to the Board of Islamic Philosophy (CII) by the Senate body on basic liberties.

The Senate Standing Board on Basic freedoms expressed that an assessment was looked for from the CII seeing the corrections as certain arrangements of the transsexual bill were pronounced to be in logical inconsistency with the Islamic standards of heredity.

#6  PM reports framing significant level council to test soundholes

PM reports framing significant level council to test soundholes
Top state leader Shehbaz Sharif on Tuesday named the surfacing of soundholes of discussions between key government figures a "serious security slip by" and declared the development of a significant level council to test the matter, ARY News revealed.

"Sound holes outrage is a serious security pass and basic matter," the state head said while tending to a news meeting alongside other government bureau individuals.

"I'm shaping an undeniable level board on sound releases matter… This is a big deal brings up a major issue mark over the security break," the PM said, adding that a powerful council will examine the matter from all perspectives.

"Who will come to meet the state head at the PM House now? A request panel will arrive at the profundity of this," he added.

PM Shehbaz Sharif proceeded to say that Maryam Nawaz - who is PML-N's VP and his niece - requested no blessing from him to the import of her child's in-regulations power plant apparatus from India.

#7  CSS Screening test:

CSS Screening test:
As per the subtleties, the SHC heard the supplication for an expansion in the application date for the screening trial of the CSS test.

Advocate Kunwar Raj Ali Wahid contended that many up-and-comers couldn't have any significant bearing on the screening test because of weighty precipitation and flooding in the area. The date for the application ought to be broadened, he added.

Beforehand, the last date for application was August 24, 2022.

Numerous assessments in Punjab and KP have been delayed because of precipitation and floods, the candidate contended. The court saved its judgment in the wake of hearing the underlying contentions.

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